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Tom Padgett's Child Custody CaseCape Cod Times 11 July 2000 - letters to the editorFrom: cultabuse@webtv.net (The Truth) Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology Subject: BOSTON Co$ ATTACKS PADGETT - Frank Ofman trashes Tom in paper! Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 13:18:11 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <28309-396B56D3-37@storefull-211.iap.bryant.webtv.net> CAPE COD TIMES July 11, 2000 Page A-12 "CHURCH RESPONDS TO ALLEGATIONS" I was pleased with the article of June 2, ("Man pleads innocent to fugitive charges") on the arrest of Thomas C. Padgett for his non-payment of child support. Padgett complained in the article that the Church of Scientology has been opposing him. This could not be further from the truth. The Church feels that Padgett should not use his former wife's religion to deny support payments to provide for the proper food, clothing, and shelter for his children - as ordered by the court. Hopefully Padgett will some day stop denying his children financial support. Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard wrote that the way to happiness includes that one love and help their children and that one obey the laws of the land. Everyone hopes Padgett will live up to these standards, as it will make him - in the end - a happier person. FRANK OFMAN Public Affairs Director Church of Scientology, Boston End _________________________________ Note: Several pictures of OSA's Frank Ofman violently and physically attacking another high-profile critic of the UFO cult can be seen on www.bobminton.org ________________________________ Alliance for Better Understanding of Scientology Ethics (A.B.U.S.E.) link to: www.taxexemptchildabuse.net The late Dr. Joly West, MD, and cult mind control expert, proclaimed "children are at the greatest risk from Scientology!" ------------------------------------------------- "Thank you for your very detailed letter regarding scientology. We haven't yet found a way to attack these jackals who feed on children and young adults who are too emotionally weak to stand by themselves when they reach the age of consent." -------------- U.S. Congressman Leo J. Ryan, shortly before being gunned downed by another [totalitarian] cult in Jonestown, South America. From: jfp-legal@webtv.net (John Padgett) Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology Subject: Re: BOSTON Co$ ATTACKS PADGETT - Frank Ofman trashes Tom in paper! Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 16:50:41 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <20715-396B88A1-14@storefull-218.iap.bryant.webtv.net> This clown Ofman wouldn't know an allegation from diddly squat! The facts are Tom doesn't owe a cent and pays monthly child support payments in excess of four (4) times the amount required by Kentucky statutes..... which is on appeal to a higher civil court down there. 3 weeks ago, a letter was sent to the prosecutor asking him EXACTLY what criminal statute or code has Tom violated to activate a "fugitive from justice" charge. That letter was sent by fax and requested a swift reply. There has been NO response to date. This is a classic example of cultic legal harassment utilizing public officials and worse tax dollars. Tom has been stalked, character assassinated, and harassed by these thugs dating back to 1993 & 94 in Michigan, 1995 & 96 in Florida, and 1997 to current here in Massachusetts. They just don't quit! As far as any credibility of Ofman's assertions about Hubbard's teachings, Alex Beam with the Boston Globe called Scientology one of the "greatest anti-intellectual movements of our time!" Sincerely, John F. Padgett Attorney at Law