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Tom Padgett's Child Custody CaseTom Padgett AffidavitFrom: cultabuse@webtv.net (The Truth) Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology Subject: Theological Schizophrenia (re-post from 11/2/99) Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 13:12:27 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <28659-3932A4FB-32@storefull-218.iap.bryant.webtv.net> The following affidavit is yet another example of how Scientologists use "religion" in the courts to seek protection from due process discovery in their alternative mental health secular practices and activities, even in matters of young or minor children. On March 18, 1994, a Kentucky Circuit Court ruled Scientology was a protected inadmissible species of sorts because the mother in a custody case claimed it was her religion of record, and therefore could not be broached! --------------------------------------------------------- AFFIDAVIT I, Thomas C. Padgett, of South Orleans, Massachusetts, after being duly sworn, testify to the following as factual and true. On the evening of September 21, 1999, at approximately 8 PM, I was engaged in a brief conversation with Laura Padgett of Madisonville, KY in matters of our children. This was by long distance phone service. Several minutes into the conversation, I interjected my gladness and approval for her recently leaving the Church of Scientology and joining the First Christian Church there in Hopkins County, Kentucky such as purported by her lawyer in Court and conveyed to me by my lawyer this past summer. Laura's exact response was: "Tom, I've always been a Christian, I've never not been a Christian!" With my hand placed on the Holy Bible, I attest to this as accurate and true. (signature) _________________ Thomas C. Padgett Sworn and subscribed to before me on this the 9th day of October, 1999. Furthermore, being familiar with the voices of Thomas and Laura Padgett, I attest that this conversation did exist in fact and did occur indeed. Commonwealth of Massachusetts County of Barnstable (signature) _________________ John F. Padgett (seal) Notary Public My commission expires: 11/15/02 -------------------------------------------------------- Summary Note: A court gave religious protection to a mental health practice again as a standard legal S.O.P. of the Co$. It took five (5) years in this case to get this known fact to the surface! *************************************************** Alliance for Better Understanding of Scientology Ethics (A.B.U.S.E.) link to: http://www.b-org.demon.nl/scn/deaths/childabuse.html