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Tom Padgett's Child Custody CasePadgett Litigation Update 24On consideration and mutual agreement, this file has been edited to better reflect the message that was intendedFrom: cultabuse@webtv.net (The Truth) Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology Subject: Padgett LITIGATION Update 24 Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 19:36:30 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <15514-396D00FE-26@storefull-216.iap.bryant.webtv.net> Commonwealth of Kentucky Court of Appeals Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Case # 99-CA-001461-MR Thomas Carter Padgett, Appellant vs. Laura Vannoy Padgett, Appellee ORDER _______ On June 6, 2000, this Court passed J. Russell Lloyd's and Joseph V. Mobley's motion to withdraw as counsel for appellant and directed attorneys Lloyd and Mobley to file a response with the Clerk of this Court including more information regarding the basis of motion to withdraw. On June 12, 2000, this Court received attorneys Lloyd and Mobley's response. Having now considered the passed motion to withdraw as counsel, the Court ORDERS the motion be, and is hereby, GRANTED. The above-styled appeal is ORDERED to be ABATED for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of entry of this order to allow the appellant time to obtain new counsel, notification of which shall be deferred back to this Court immediately thereafter. Failure to retain new counsel on appeal on or before thirty (30) days from the date of entry of this Order shall result in the above-styled appeal being returned to the Court's ACTIVE DOCKET with appellant proceeding pro se. Appellant's brief shall be due on before sixty (60) days from the date on which the appeal is returned to this Court's active docket. The Clerk of this Court is DIRECTED to MAIL a copy of this order to appellant at the following address the date of entry of this Order: Tom Padgett, P.O. Box 414, South Orleans, MA 02662. <signature> ------------------------------- CHIEF JUDGE, COURT OF APPEALS <stamped> ENTERED July 5, 2000 ________________________________ This order may seem routine. The cultists got to Tom's lawyers. They WANT him to proceed pro se and fail on some "technical" procedural rule absent of merits and facts. The added twist is a separate criminal fugitive of justice charge will put him on the run and in jail so even if tried file a brief pro se, he couldn't!! They will NOT let any outside (out-of-state) counsel enter on his behalf. This is what is called blatant HYPER-RAILROADING! Btw, Mobley & Lloyd's motion to withdraw was based on Padgett's low income ability to pay their fees. End Alliance for Better Understanding of Scientology Ethics (A.B.U.S.E.) link to: www.taxexemptchildabuse.net The late Dr. Joly West, MD, and cult mind control expert, proclaimed "children are at the greatest risk from Scientology!" ------------------------------------------------- "Thank you for your very detailed letter regarding scientology. We haven't yet found a way to attack these jackals who feed on children and young adults who are too emotionally weak to stand by themselves when they reach the age of consent." -------------- U.S. Congressman Leo J. Ryan, shortly before being gunned downed by another [totalitarian] cult in Jonestown, South America. |