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Tom Padgett's Child Custody CasePadgett Litigation Update 25From: cultabuse@webtv.net (The Truth) Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology Subject: Padgett LITIGATION update 25 Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 20:33:51 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <9821-397CE06F-21@storefull-218.iap.bryant.webtv.net> The extradition hearing in Massachusetts on July 21st was uneventful. Tom's lawyers got it delayed to August 8th. The judge and local prosecutor here were puzzled, if not humored by the attack of the defendant in the newspaper by OSA operative Frank Ofman suggesting that Ron Hubbard knew what was best for children and that following the laws of the land would result in "happiness!" See www.bobminton.org for pictures of Ofman in his natural "happy" state of assaulting his employer's critics. However the colorful part of Scientologist Laura Padgett's obsession with litigation to destroy her perceived enemies, was issued in a motion filed on the 12th of July, in the 4th Judicial Court in Madisonville, Kentucky, threatening Tom with a whole new criminal grand jury indictment, if he didn't show up in that courtroom on August 7th to answer charges why paper work is missing between the local prosecutor and Tom's former lawyers in Louisville who just with withdrew for publicly and legally stated reasons of not being able to continue due to insufficient funds to compensate them for their time needed to bring matters to closure. Just think about this true and accurate forgoing scenario and ponder "what's wrong with this picture?" Then try to separate in the mind...... L. Ron Hubbard's mandate of "....the law is used to harass, ruin, and cause possible deceasement" from this omnipresent and ridiculously ongoing litigation in the state that produces thoroughbred horses and NBA allstars. end Alliance for Better Understanding of Scientology Ethics (A.B.U.S.E.) link to: www.taxexemptchildabuse.net www.lisatrust.net www.lermanet.com The late Dr. Joly West, MD, and cult mind control expert, proclaimed "children are at the greatest risk from Scientology!" ------------------------------------------------- "Thank you for your very detailed letter regarding scientology. We haven't yet found a way to attack these jackals who feed on children and young adults who are too emotionally weak to stand by themselves when they reach the age of consent." -------------- U.S. Congressman Leo J. Ryan, shortly before being gunned downed by another [totalitarian] cult in Jonestown, South America.
From: cultabuse@webtv.net (The Truth) We have received e-mails inquiring what is the new indictment threat. The July 12th motion from the pro-Scientology prosecutor David Massamore reads in part... "If Padgett does not return and if the court sets a sentencing date which Padgett fails to attend, the Commonwealth will seek an indictment for bail jumping." This is odd because the bail was posted in Massachusetts not Kentucky. The Co$ and a small handful of Western Kentucky politicians want Padgett "isolated" and are relentless in their pursuit of new and creative ways to imprison him. Tom is a PR nightmare for the Co$ and that small town because he speaks the truth. Often times "THE TRUTH HURTS!" end Alliance for Better Understanding of Scientology Ethics (A.B.U.S.E.) link to: www.taxexemptchildabuse.net www.lisatrust.net www.lermanet.com The late Dr. Joly West, MD, and cult mind control expert, proclaimed "children are at the greatest risk from Scientology!" ------------------------------------------------- "Thank you for your very detailed letter regarding scientology. We haven't yet found a way to attack these jackals who feed on children and young adults who are too emotionally weak to stand by themselves when they reach the age of consent." -------------- U.S. Congressman Leo J. Ryan, shortly before being gunned downed by another [totalitarian] cult in Jonestown, South America.
From: tommyboy508@webtv.net Laura Padgett still believes in Ron's "tech!" The tech here being "The law is used to harass and ruin!" She has been fortunate enough to find a local prosecutor to assist her private attorney in continuing the application of the "tech" upon me which also includes child/parent disconnection. And now this is at the expense of the taxpayers of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Is there anybody out there who can afford to fend off the financial might of state governments? I can't. Another detail on the July 12th motion is that prosecutor has tendered an order to the judge to have my former private attorney to appear in court on August 7th to testify against me - a breach of client/attorney privilege! That order has not been signed yet. Tom |