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Tom Padgett's Child Custody Case
Litigation UPDATE 37
From: cultabuse@webtv.net (A.B.U.S.E.)
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: Padgett Litigation UPDATE 37
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 20:51:30 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <4075-3B256792-205@storefull-211.iap.bryant.webtv.net>
May 30, 2001
From court proceedings on May 11, a Pendente Lite Report and
Recommendation was entered
into the 4th Judicial Circuit Court records in Civil Action 92-CI-00444,
by Domestic Relations Commissioner Susan W. McClure, an employee of
Judge Charles W. Boteler. The parties did not appear but their
attorneys did
The report had dialogue about the Respondent's marginal health, and
receiving a doctor's letter not to travel. The Commissioner wanted more
documentation in reagrds to Mr. Padgett's spinal injuries. However did
" This action has been pending in the Hopkins Circuit Court for over
eight (8) years. It is the commissioner's desire that the pending
Motions proceed as expediently as is justly possible.
And that Mr. Padgett's deposition be taken and tendered to the Court
File no later that June 15, 2001.
The report noted the Court did received a letter
from the minor son Beau, requesting summer
visitation with his Dad and that a letter from him was attached. The
Commissioner noted "The
Petitioner, [Scientologist Laura Vannoy Padgett,] has failed to show
just cause why the Respondent should not be allowed visitation during
the pendency of this Motion. Additionally, the child is of such an age
as to physically care for himself and to communicate
regarding visitation with his father." However, in a very contrasting
additional finding, she ordered the father is to refrain from
discussions with his son about "religion" during their visit. And even
an a more unusual move, Ms. McClure has recommended that the parties'
older child, a daughter 21, to accompany her brother to "supervise" the
visitation. It is suspected that this was a covert way to make sure the
son is not subjected any "entheta" --a Dianetic term for bad news as not
to be enturbulated (meaning upset in Hubbard loaded language.)
The remainder of the report, talked about who is responsible for what
transportation costs
and the actual dates of the visitation - July 13 through July 27, 2001
More on this sadly protracted case of Divorce Scientology style can be
found at: http://padgett.taxexemptchildabuse.net
(425) 795-8518
Alliance for Better Understanding of
Scientology Ethics (A.B.U.S.E.) link to:
www.taxexemptchildabuse.net www.lisatrust.net www.lermanet.com
The late Dr. Joly West, MD, and cult mind control expert, proclaimed
"children are at the greatest risk from Scientology!"
"Thank you for your very detailed letter regarding scientology. We
haven't yet found a way to attack these jackals who feed on children and
young adults who are too emotionally weak to stand by themselves when
they reach the age of consent."
U.S. Congressman Leo J. Ryan, shortly
before being gunned downed by another
[totalitarian] cult in Jonestown, South America.