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Tom Padgett's Child Custody Case
Padgett Litigation UPDATE 38
From: enthetanews@hotmail.com (A.B.U.S.E.)
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: Padgett Litigation UPDATE 38
Date: 26 Aug 2001 09:24:55 -0700
Organization: http://groups.google.com/
Message-ID: <af7713bf.0108260824.7ba7fa8e@posting.google.com>
Scientologist Laura Vannoy Padgett's Litigation against her ex husband
wages on.
On Monday, August 20, 2001, Vannoy came before the Hopkins Ciruit
Court in Kentucky with a Motion to Quash Notice of Taking of
Deposition filed by Mr. Padgett's attorney, and to take exceptions
(complain) of a prior Pendente Lite Report by the Domestic Relations
Commissioner that was in favor of respondent Tom Padgett. Arguments
by the Scientologist's lawyer Wm. Whitledge, was continued harping on
his objections of allowing Dr. Stephen Kent's expert testimony to
remain in the records of Civil Action 92-CI-00444 archived at:
A prior August 3, 2001 ruling from Commissioner Susan McClure
granted that depositions of Mr. Padgett and other scheduled expert
witness may be routinely conducted in Massachusetts and therefore not
required to be in Kentucky to complete this final discovery phase
pending since 1996. Additionally, the petitioner brought forth
objections and protest to the existence of the web site
http://www.taxexemptchildabuse.net The defense of that attempt to
quash free speech on the internet by Padgett's lawyer was very simple,
"That is not Tom's web page. It's maintained by parties in Holland.
End of subject."
On Monday August 20th, Judge Charles Boteler reversed his nine
year trend in the case of [always] ruling in favor of the
pro-scientology maternal family -- a judicial behavior of supporting
local constituents regardless of known facts and application of
statutory law. He denied the quashing motions by Laura Vannoy as her
last ditch effort to obstruct justice through basic due process, and
therefore depositions will commence in Middleboro, Massachusetts at
9:00 AM on Monday, August 27, 2001. Witnesses to be deposed are; Tom
Padgett, the respondent; Rev. Bob Pardon, the Director of the New
England Institute for Religious Research and recent speaker at the
American Family Foundation Conference in May 2001; and tentatively,
Dr. Marvin Snider, a noted clinical psychologist from the Boston area.
Both written and video transcripts of these depositions will be
available in a week or so.
Laura Vannoy's testimony will be given in court on September 10,
2001 in Madisonville, Kentucky.
The Kentucky Ciruit Court remained silent on the interent issues
raised by the Scientologists, as it knew it had no authority or
jurisdiction in that matter.
Voice mail and fax #: (425) 975-8518
former e-address: cultabuse@webtv.net
From: tommyboy508@webtv.net (tommyboy)
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: Re: Padgett Litigation UPDATE 38
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 21:37:42 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <571-3B8C4766-113@storefull-211.iap.bryant.webtv.net>
Fred, Feisty, and Mikey:
Thanks and you're right...and I agree with your comments..
Here's some feedback from yesterday's depositions: .....and a warning
that they may not be listed in a priority or chronological fashion, and
as well there is a fine line between subjectivity and objectivity when
you are a parent and issues of your children are foremost
and the concept of unconditional love intervenes.
1. Expert witness Bob Pardon, Dir. of the New
England Institute of Religious Research was impeccable. He had smoke
coming out of the
opposing counsel's ears!! :-)) He joined professor's Dr. Stephen
Kent's May 2001
declaration & testimony 100%. If anybody has a scanner to post his
written testimony, please
e-mail me your fax number to post this for review.
2. One and half hours of examination of me by my attorney was calm,
rational, logical, and FACTUAL.
3. Fireworks started when my $cientologist ex's
lawyer started to cross examine me. His style was to enter exhibits and
then ask me to comment on them.....
a. a print out of the www.taxexemptchildabuse.net webpage on his
client's litigious behavior....of which I responded don't ask me, ask
your client...she's the one who believes in LRH skripture of Fair
Game(R) and legal harassment doctrine. I referred him (and the court)
to "MY" i-net page http://community,webtv.net/tommyboy508/TomPadgetts
as a site that "I" control.
b. various checks I had written his client and the Hopkins Co. Court
c. print outs of e-mails between my daughter apparently intercepted by
her mother
d. OLD orders from the court
e. an affidavit from the criminal court proceedings
f. misc. documentation of my brother, sister,
and late parents as to their "wogish" nature and SP and PTS behavior
g. old declarations that my kid's signed back in 1995 as current
h. 6 year old bank account numbers
It quickly became apparent to me that all the
consultations I had received re: this lawyer
being guided by Moxon at. al. was for real!!
He ranted on about a DUI charge in Massachusetts as having some bearing
on the proceedings in Kentucky namely a probation
violation allegation to send me back to prison
for a long time for some morals clause infraction. My counsel
interrupted "not relevant to these civil court matters,"
There was a point when I threatened the
opposing counsel with a bar complaint for
harassment, perjurious conduct, and abuse of my own children in the
absence of a guardian ad litem representing their interests away from
the respective parental concerns.
On several occasions, the court reporter had to stop the loud and
hostile exchanges just to get the transcripts straight over the CULTIC
legal harassment noise.
I'm sure I've left a ton of stuff out here, but all in all it was very
unpleasant BUT may reap significant rewards in the pursuit of getting
the missing facts to the surface......after nine (9) plus years. I hope
and pray.
From: tommyboy508@webtv.net (tommyboy)
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: Re: Padgett Litigation UPDATE 38
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 13:19:34 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <12439-3B8E75A6-46@storefull-214.iap.bryant.webtv.net>
Oh, here's a few more questions asked of me
in sworn depositions last Monday 8/27/01:
j. to reveal the names of persons who have contributed the PADGETT
DEFENSE FUND. My attorney objected.
k. to reveal the names of those who have posted things on the i-net
critical of his client, $cientology, and the Court officers in Hopkins
Co., Kentucky. My attorney objected.
l. to reveal the name of the person who distributed anti-$cientology
leaflets all over
Madisonville, Ky just this past June. See
news:alt.binaries.scientology for scan of flyer
and more details. My attorney objected.
m. to reveal the nature of a trip I made to Albany, Oho last January.
My response was
"Go on the internet and log on to the web site
http://www.wellspringretreat.org and read all
about it yourself sir." He tried to interrupt me
several times but the court reporter told the lawyer to hush and asked
me to repeat the domain name letters....for the record.
n. to reveal the nature and subjects of conversations that took place
between me and my son during our 2 week visitation last July.
My attorney objected. But I went ahead and answered the question
anyways FOR THE RECORD as follows: "We talked about all kinds of things
as any normal parent would with their child." He snorted in reply, "Did
you talked
about Scientology and this litigation?"
o. to admit I was afraid to return Kentucky because I feared being
arrested and incarcerated again. My reply was, "I fear going to any
local where the local and state government condones $cientologists'
of Fair Game(c) and 'legal harassment' doctrine." Ooooh he didn't like
that answer. :)
But it's on the record now.