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Tom Padgett's Child Custody CaseExhibit R-6 in Civil Action # 92-CI-00444We are the son and daughter of Tom and Laura Padgett. We are the grand- son and granddaughter of Shirley Padgett, Carl and Betty Vannoy. We are the nephew and niece of John Padgett, Ellen Sloop, and Gail Padgett. We want fair and equal treatment and WE WANT TO BE HEARD too. We want fair and equal treatment of my parents, our grandparents, our aunts and uncles, all of our relatives, family, friends, and all good, caring, and loving people. We want all these people to be heard. We understand by the constitution of our United States, that we have freedom of speech and worship as do my Mom, Dad, family, friends, and relatives. No ones rights should be suppressed. Nothing that is in any possible way harm- full to me, my Dad, my Mom, my families and friends should be hidden, avoided, covered-up because beliefs of my parents. This is our right. We want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. We do not want the half truth from anybody -- my Mom, my Dad, my families, and friends and especially from any courts, Judges, or Lawyers. If any court, Judge, Commissioner is an acquaintance of our families or former employer of our families than it is much more than possible that fair and equal treatment of us and our parents and families on both sides can not and will not happen. There are things in scientology we like. The following policies we do not like; "DISCONNECTION," "MAYBE TRICKED, SUED, LIED TO, AND DESTROYED........WITHOUT ANY DISCIPLINE TO THE CIENTOL- OGIST," "TR-L...TEACHES ONE TO LIE FACILE," "ATTACK, HARM, SUPPRESS," "ATTACK THE ATTACKERS, DO NOT DEFEND SCIENTOLOGY," "IT IS A HIGH CRIME TO PUBLICLY DEPART SCIENTOLOGY," and especially "THE LAW CAN BE USED TO HARASS, RUIN, AND CAUSE DECEASE" "FEED, BLOOD, LURID, SEX, CRIME TO THE PUBLIC" We have seen these in writing in policy letters and books of scientology. We do not like or want these in our lives or any possible way effecting our lives just like the abuse of drugs, alcohol, sex, crimes or bad behavior. My Dad wants to talk about these and educate us openly and equally. My Mom does not. We love our Mom and Dad equally and want them to be heard and judged equally. We know our Mom and Dad both love us equally as do their friends and families. We have watched my Dad stand in an uneployment line to have money to live on and for us. We have seen his $250/week paycheck. We liked it better when he was a well paid hotel executive. we have seen the nasty letters and notes he has received at his past places at work and home. We have seen a picture of the spraypaint damage to his house in Michigan. We think the law should do something about this to stop it and protect him. If it hurts him it hurts us directly not indirectly. My Dad is not an "SP" or "PTS" in our minds and our hearts even though he may be a declared enemy of the scientology organization. We know our Mom to be a scientologist and our Dad to be ex-scientologist. He should not be punished for speaking out against these awfull policies to protect us and himself for now and the future. Anybody and everybody should listen. We have seen on every U.S. coin and paper currency "in God we trust" we have not seen "in L. Ron Hubbard we trust" The federal goverment does recognize God and religion and allow it to be spoken of. My Mom says scientology is a religion because it has a tax exempt status from the I.R.S. My Dad says scientology is a cult because of it's policies of harmfull destruction and that it uses mind control. We want our minds free. My Dad said the policies of scientology cause a lot of animosity (meaning hate and anger) We can not disagree, they do. We know if these policies were ignored, avoided, or pretended not to exist they could be just as dangerous as snake handling in other belief systems to us, my Mom,
my Dad, my family and friends. We asked that Dr Nichols or any other medical or mental health professional, doctor, pastor and minister to examine this problem between my Mom and Dad thoroughly with out any stone unturned. We do not want any dangers withheld from us by anybody. We don't want any lying to us just to hide these policies. We do not want my Dad harmed or treated unfairly because he did not come from Madisonville KY. I do not want my Mom harmed either or treated better because she is from Madisonville. We just want the truth all of it. The law is not to harass, ruin people nor is it to hide things behind. The law is to protect and to serve me, my Dad, my Mom, and all good people. So are the laws of God. The law is supposed to be "innocent untill proven guilty." No one should be suppressed to speak out or be punished for such. We do not want our father arrested for something he cannot morally, financially, physically, and spiritualy perform. We do not want to be "disconnected." Beau G. Padgett <signature> a Christian Age 10 Julie E. Padgett <signature> a Christian Age 15 Witnessed** <signature> James Klucow, Pastor Parkway Presbyterian Church Orlando, FL * An Affidavit ** I witnessed the signatures of Julie and Beau Padgett, the interaction between them and their loving father, their courage and faith